Solutions for a brighter Flying Future
The steps towards an inspired vision for public shared data that truly helps make better, more informed decisions
A passion for giving back
In the heart of this seed lives the determination to overflow life’s blessings back to the community that supports us
Weather data and info
Weather stations sharing live information that truly helps make more informed decisions, whether on the mountains or at the sea.
Webcam live stream
A network of webcams installed by partners that assist in showing the real time conditions around the island.
App Assistance
This app will be the fusion between imagination, creativity and knowledge, to bring forward solutions that help everyone enjoy a more relaxed flying experience
What is it about
Even though in the core of it is the goal to make Paragliding even more accessible to everyone and make it the most relaxed possible by the information shared, these tools can help anyone in every aspect of life.
WESS (WindEarthSunSea)
- Check real time weather conditions
- Watch live stream images
- Experience a more immersive Island experience
A movement you can be a part of
- Get access to show your support
- To an ever growing platform
- Of shared common dreams
“Everything is possible, when we believe it so”
Observe, Feel, Expand
Join this inclusive vision
Stay inside the movement as it grows.
Everyone that wants to be a part of it is welcome